Tailor Your Message
Long-Form vs Bite-Sized

In today’s digital workplace, video has become an indispensable tool for internal communications. It offers a dynamic and engaging way to inform, inspire, and connect employees across an organisation. However, the effectiveness of video content hinges on a critical factor: length. As an Internal Communication Manager, understanding when to leverage long-form videos versus bite-sized content can significantly impact your message’s reach and resonance. Let’s dive deep into this topic, exploring the what, why, and how of crafting an impactful internal video strategy.

The Long and Short of It: Understanding Your Options

• Long-Form Videos: Typically exceeding 10 minutes, these in-depth pieces allow for a comprehensive exploration of complex topics. 

• Bite-Sized Videos: Usually under 2 minutes, these quick hits are designed for immediate impact and easy consumption.

Each format has its place in your communication toolkit, but choosing the right one depends on various factors we’ll explore.

Long-Form Videos: When Depth Matters

Imagine you’re rolling out a new company-wide initiative that will transform how teams collaborate. This is where long-form video shines! It provides the space needed to:

• Explain the rationale behind the change

• Demonstrate new processes step-by-step

• Address potential concerns and questions

• Showcase success stories and use cases

Long-form videos are particularly effective for:

• Comprehensive Training: Whether onboarding new hires or upskilling existing employees, in-depth video modules can provide a rich, interactive learning experience.

• Thought Leadership: Positioning your organisation’s experts through detailed presentations or panel discussions can foster a culture of knowledge-sharing and innovation.

• Complex Problem-Solving: When tackling intricate issues, long-form videos allow for thorough analysis and collaborative brainstorming, even across distributed teams.

• Building Emotional Connection: Extended storytelling formats can create powerful narratives that resonate deeply with employees, reinforcing company values and culture.

• However, long-form content comes with challenges. It requires significant production investment and risks losing viewer engagement if not expertly crafted. The key is to break complex information into digestible segments, use compelling visuals, and incorporate interactive elements to maintain interest.

Bite-Sized Videos: The Power of Concision

In contrast, bite-sized videos are your secret weapon for cutting through the noise of a busy workday. They’re perfect for:

• Time-Sensitive Updates: Quick announcements about policy changes, company news, or urgent matters.

• Reinforcing Key Messages: Brief, memorable clips that hammer home central points from longer communications.

• Micro-Learning: Delivering small, actionable pieces of information that employees can immediately apply.

• Humanizing Leadership: Short, casual videos from executives can make leadership more approachable and relatable.

• Boosting Morale: Quick team shout-outs or employee spotlights can foster a sense of community and recognition.

• The beauty of bite-sized content lies in its versatility and shareability. It’s easily consumed on mobile devices, making it ideal for reaching employees on the go or in non-desk roles.

Crafting Your Video Strategy: A Balanced Approach

The most effective internal communication strategies don’t choose between long-form and bite-sized videos – they leverage both. Here’s how to create a balanced approach:

• Understand Your Audience: Conduct surveys or focus groups to understand how your employees prefer to consume information. Are they primarily desk-based or mobile? Do they have time for longer videos, or is their day fragmented?

• Map Content to Objectives: Align your video format with your communication goals. Is the primary aim to inform, inspire, or drive action?

• Create Content Ecosystems: Use bite-sized videos to promote and supplement long-form content. For example, create a series of teasers leading up to a significant announcement video.

• Leverage Analytics: Use viewership data to understand what resonates. Are employees watching long videos to completion? Are bite-sized videos being shared widely?

• Encourage User-Generated Content: Empower employees to create short videos, fostering engagement and authenticity.

• Optimise for Mobile: Ensure your video platform is mobile-friendly, with adaptive streaming for various connection speeds.

• Integrate with Other Channels: Embed videos in emails, intranet posts, or internal social platforms to maximise visibility.

Internal Comms Strategy Example

Challenge: Roll out a new protocol while keeping employees engaged and informed about ongoing projects.

Solution: Create a multi-tiered video approach:

• A 15-minute in-depth video explaining the new measures featuring experts and leadership.

• A series of 1-minute daily tips reinforcing key practices.

• Bi-weekly 2-minute project update videos from team leads.

• Monthly 30-second CEO messages highlighting company achievements.

Conclusion: Crafting Your Perfect Mix

Finding the right balance between depth and brevity, as well as information and engagement, is essential. By strategically employing both long-form and bite-sized videos, you can create a rich, multi-faceted communication ecosystem that meets diverse employee needs and preferences.

The goal isn’t just to produce videos – but to convey the right message to the right people at the right time in the most effective format. Continuously gather feedback, analyse results, and be prepared to adapt your strategy as your organisation evolves.